Justin Sardi – Unlimited Leads Challenge + OTO (Youtube Ads Course) Download
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Dear Entrepreneur,
Are You….
Frustrated by wasting a ton of money on ads and an ads manager…with little to show for it?
Struggling to attract quality leads to your website or funnel?
Ready to throw in the towel because all your leads are freebie-seeking tire-kickers?
Trying to get great leads and sales using social media, podcasts, blogs, and email but coming up empty handed?
Tired of spending all your time ‘engaging’ your audience instead of making sales?
Looking for a way to get high quality leads AND make the sale right NOW?
Ready to get your ‘leads machine’ up and running in just a few hours?If you checked any of the boxes above, then I want to invite you to join the fun and exciting “Unlimited Leads Challenge”…
…So you can build a list of hyper-active leads and customers ready to buy from you over and over again… For just pennies on the dollar.
Everything You’ve Been Told About
- Leads and Ads Is a Lie!
- There’s a bunch of myths and lies out there that some marketers and gurus want you to believe:
- “Don’t sell someone something until you indoctrinate and engage them first.”
- ”Facebook is the BEST place to advertise if you want to grow your business.”
- ”Emails are the only way to get great leads.”
- ”You have to give away free stuff before asking for the sale.”
- ”Build your brand first, then create a product to sell.”
- ”Post free content every day on social media, and then you’ll find your customers.”
- ”List building is HARD and takes years.”
- ”You have to invest a lot of money in ads before you start seeing a profit.”
- ”ONLY focus on Facebook. Period.”
- ”If you don’t create your own offer you’ll never make money.”
- ”It takes months to build a successful ad campaign… and it’s expensive.”
- ”Only viral videos make money.”
Every single statement above is a big fat lie.
And I’m sure you’ve heard a lot of other ‘sage advice’ about running ads, building a list, creating offers, and how challenging it is to get a business up and running.
- But what if I showed you a SUPER SIMPLE and PROVEN way to…
- Build your list in record time
- Attract leads for just pennies on the dollar
- Generate sales from ice cold traffic
- Sell like crazy WITHOUT having your own product
- Start seeing results in hours and days instead of weeks or months?
Here’s what’s great about YouTube…
- And WHY it’s so effective for helping you build your list FAST and attract your ideal
customers and clients…no matter what you sell: - YouTube is the second biggest search engine…so more people ACTIVELY see your ads
- Insert your ads ONLY on HIGHLY TRAFFICKED videos…you call the shots
- Create a CONSTANT stream of new people to your offers every day
- Easily tweak and adjust ads according to your market feedback…for optimum sales
- Leads for just PENNIES on the dollar
- Videos are super simple to create (even if you hate being on camera)
- You only pay after 30 seconds of viewing or when someone clicks on your ad (this is HUGE)
- Your list is hyper-responsive to your emails because they know, like, and trust you
- Targeting your Dream Customers is a snap
- Grab your viewers attention with impossible-to-resist videos and offers
- Put a dollar in, get two dollars back
Oh, and one more thing…
No List? No Product? No Problem!
One of the biggest roadblocks for people who WANT to start an online business is that they don’t have a list or a product to sell.
And this holds them back from leaving a job they can’t stand and becoming the entrepreneur they were born to be.
With the “Unlimited Leads Challenge,” you don’t need a list OR a product.
One of the biggest roadblocks for people who WANT to start an online business is that they don’t have a list or a product to sell.
And this holds them back from leaving a job they can’t stand and becoming the entrepreneur they were born to be.
With the “Unlimited Leads Challenge,” you don’t need a list OR a product.
Because I’m going to show you how to build your list from GROUND ZERO…
AND how to find ‘hot’ products to sell WITHOUT having to create your own!
My proprietary “YouTube Unlimited Leads” system was specifically designed to get you up and running FAST…
…whether you’re just starting out or you already have an online business.
Now, if you’re just starting out, you may be a bit skeptical or cynical about this whole ‘internet marketing’ thing.
And if you’re an experienced marketer, you could be saying, “Prove it to me!”
I know exactly how you feel.
Because not too long ago, I was in your shoes…
How YouTube
Changed My Life
My name is Justin Sardi and I’m the founder of TubeSift.
Before I got started marketing and selling online, I worked in construction for years.
A lot of dangerous and back-breaking work.
I wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed because when I was 15 I had major back surgery.
I’ve got metal pins and rods in my spine a mile long, with Frankenstein scars to prove it.
So going into construction and lifting heavy gear for 10 hours every day wasn’t the smartest move on my part (I told you I wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed).
So not only was I in pain all the time, I hated my job.
And it got to the point where I was not a fan of my boss…
Which made getting up and going to work each day a living nightmare.
Ever have that feeling of getting up in the morning and going, “I am not looking forward to this!”
You get that knot of dread in your stomach, where you’d do ANYTHING to get out of going to work?
I lived with that feeling every day for years.
I thought to myself, “Is this what life is supposed to be?”
Then one day my friend, Neil, convinced me to go to this internet marketing thing in Las Vegas.
Being in construction, I knew NOTHING about the internet.
All I heard was that making money online was a scam.
But my friend kept pressuring me to go.
So just to get out of work, and to get my friend to shut up, I said I’d go.
I’d never been to a marketing event or anything remotely like it in my life.
I have to admit, sitting there in that room with all those smart marketers, I felt lost.
I hardly understood much of what they talked about because I didn’t know “internet jargon” or these other marketing terms.
But the weird thing is, even though I felt alone and lost, something inside felt right.
I listened to all the speakers and the different ways to run an online business.
I also met a ton of people who were making money online, so I knew it wasn’t a scam.
I got super jacked. So as soon as I got home, I did what most people do after returning from a great event…
Yep. All the amazing money-making strategies I learned and got excited about just sat in my brain while I went back to my soul-sucking construction job.
After 2 months of daily suffering, I couldn’t take it anymore. And I quit my job.
I had no savings, a pile of student debt, and no new source of income.
So I immediately started implementing some of the stuff I learned.
- And over the next couple of years, I tried…
- Affiliate Marketing
- Product Creation
- YouTube Video SEO
- Client Work
- Ecom
I made some money doing all of these things but it was a roller coaster of ups and downs with my income.
I couldn’t seem to stick with one thing. I was definitely suffering from ‘shiny penny’ syndrome.
Has this ever happened to you?
My girlfriend (now my wife) said, “Just focus on one thing. What do you love?”
I found I did like YouTube. So that’s where I put all my energy.
The thing is, even though I made money by getting my YouTube videos ranked using SEO, it wasn’t a scalable business.
I needed a business I could grow and scale.
That’s when the big ‘aha’ moment hit me…
And decided to focus on YouTube ads…
And create a fool-proof system for attracting a consistent, reliable, and scalable flow of leads and customers.
I haven’t looked back since.
There really is no reason to continue banging your head against the wall trying to ‘force’ leads and traffic to your site, offer, or funnel when you’ve got a nearly ‘no risk’ way to capture high quality leads using simple, impossible-to-resist YouTube video ads.
The beautiful thing about YouTube is that you ONLY get charged when someone views your video for more than 30 seconds!
Here’s WHY this totally works to your advantage:
1. Most people click away from YouTube video ads in less than 15 seconds. This means one of several things…
Your message wasn’t compelling enough
Your offer wasn’t irresistible
Your viewer wasn’t interested
In ANY of these cases, you won’t be CHARGED.
PLUS (and this is the best part) the market is giving you priceless MARKETING RESEARCH for free! They’re helping you to improve your video or message!! What a gift!
So now you get to test a new video or a new offer.
This is like getting an expert consultant without spending a dime. But it’s better than that because the MARKET is telling you what they don’t want or don’t like.
I mean, how cool is that?!
2. If someone DOES watch your video ad for more than 30 seconds, the market is telling you you’ve got a winner!
And that means your optins are high quality.
What you delivered in your video grabbed their attention and TOLD you that what you offered is what they WANT!
In both of these scenarios, you come out a winner!
One other thing that makes YouTube such a great platform for generating high quality leads and buyers…
Your ads only show up on videos where you CHOOSE them to show up! Yes!
That means you get to put your products and services in front of people who are already searching for you’ve got.
Struggle Once And For All?
It’s a marketer’s dream! Ready to End the “Lead Capture”