David Hood – Operation Seo Agency Empire
My goal for you is to be able to build a streamlined, scalable, and sellable business that becomes more enjoyable to run over time…
And you can work when and how you choose:
…no horrible bosses (I “train” clients to be good boys/girls & fire the really bad ones who don’t behave)
…no boring way-too-long meetings 💤
…no having to ask for permission to take time off
…take your family on nice vacations 👨👩👧👧
…your daily work
…no more stupid commuting during rush hour (unless you’re into that sorta thing) 🚗
…to be able to pass off most tasks you don’t want to do to others
And within about 2-5 years this business can be sold for $1 Million to $10 Million…
And then you can go do whatever you want with your life…
…or rinse and repeat!
How does that sound to you?
This is totally doable…even if you’re a complete beginner…
Mical sold one of his agencies for $2 Million…
You can build a great & profitable business with an incredibly high probability of success…
You see, most businesses fail, but I’m confident I’ve cracked the code to flip the odds well into your favor…
Mical and I (David Hood writing here) have spent a combined 25 years studying & testing the digital marketing agency models, strategies, and techniques…
And we’ve both come to the same conclusions on what REALLY enables a highly profitable agency…
…that doesn’t work you ragged
…but that gets easier, more streamlined, and more profitable over time!
Does this sound like something you’d be interested in?
What ends up happening to most people in this industry who set out to get clients in order to quit their day job or supplement their current income is they setup their business in ways that…
- …increases the amount of work to build a highly profitable business by 100x+
- …decreases the chances of becoming highly profitable
- …causes them to work 60-80 hours a week
- …makes their business worthless to another business — yes, literally $0.
We’ve made these mistakes in the past…
Mical and I want to help others avoid these fundamental mistakes by designing their business properly from the ground up…
We talk in detail about these mistakes in our 7 Figure SEO Agency Exit Roadmap…
…click through the link immediately above to grab it if you haven’t already.
Take advantage of our mistakes…and lessons learned…
I REALLY wish I had this stuff when I got started…
I’m confident I would have earned 10x more…
A McDonald’s franchise costs $1 million to buy…
I spent about $180k on my formal education…
Getting training on trucking (a career that will disappear soon) will cost you $5k+ and 100’s of hours…
Mical sold one of his agencies for $2 million…
The Operation SEO Agency Empire program costs way less than all of these…
…and, in my opinion, adds more value to your life.
Our promise to you: No secret is kept from the Operation SEO Agency Empire members…
I give out my exact templates and systems that I use every day…
Note: When this course opens again in the future (~Dec 2020/Jan 2021) it will cost significantly more
9 Core Modules to Building Your Sellable SEO Agency:
[Module 1] The Overview & Strategies of the Operation SEO Agency Empire Biz Model 🧙♂️
Don’t Miss Out on the Unique Distinctions and Strategies Inside the OSAE Program
Mical and I have been working digital marketing agencies for a LONG time now…
…and we’ve come to understand some important distinctions, strategies, concepts, etc…
…that can have a HUGE impact on the results in your business!
If you’re looking to grow your profits rapidly without working 80 hours a week, then you’re going to want to design your business well from the ground up…
The first module gives you the 10,000 feet level view of all what needs to be understood & done to have…
…a highly profitable agency that doesn’t require you to be there every day to make work and that can be sold to another company for $millions$.
There are some key concepts & principles & strategies & techniques in this module that will prevent you from making the mistakes we see nearly every digital marketing agency make.
We will help you prevent these mistakes through building understanding and, therefore, laying an excellent foundation for your agency’s rapidly approaching success.
Mical and I have some unique ways of looking at things that will help highlight important ideas…
[Module 2] Outbound Sales System Overview & Strategies🏧
One of the most critically valuable parts of any business is being able to reliably produce new customers…👩🏽💼👨🏻💼👩💼👨🏾💼
…and businesses that build outbound sales systems that can bring in new customers basically at will are almost guaranteed to be wildly successful.
Once you have your working outbound sales system, you can pour gasoline on it and grow VERY rapidly.
If you are looking to build a wildly profitable business FAST, you’re going to have reach out to your target market…
…and not wait for them to come to you.
Yes, I’ve done my share of successful waiting-for-them-to-come-to-me…
(The successful methods I’ve used to get inbound sales is included in this course)
But, I want to become sellable in 2-3 years and you just can’t do it that fast building only inbound sales (unless you’re already famous to some degree)
Let me tell you the story of quite a few $100 million+ digital marketing agency companies that you may have already heard of…
(A) They built an outbound sales system for their crappy digital marketing services…
(B) They tuned the system to be profitable…
(C) Then they hired MASSIVE sales teams calling on businesses every day to scale up to BIG numbers in 2-3 years…
==> $100 million+ digital marketing services companies.
The good news with the OSAE model is:
(1) You will not sell crappy services. You will actually be able to deliver results.
(2) You will be able to build your sales system faster because you’ll be laser focused on actions that build your business as fast as possible…instead of wasting time on just OK tasks that really slow you down.
(3) You will have high profit margins because of the structure and focus of your business.
The point is that this outbound sales system can grow a business FAST!
[Module 3] Building Your SEO Agency Call Center☎️
Even today, the most reliable and scalable way to get sales for just about any service business as fast as possible is by picking up the friggin’ phone!
Yip, this definitely still works today!
The good news is that YOU don’t have to make the cold calls!
Once you have a call center and sales system that works profitably when you’re spending $X/m…
…all you have to do to double your sales and profit is double your spending!
…same for 10x your sales and profits!
Now, I’m over simplifying a bit, but ultimately, this is still correct…
This is how some big service businesses (you’ve probably heard of) have gone from $0 to $100 million in sales in less than 5 years…
…by making oodles and oodles of calls!
Yes, it can work for you and your sales team as well.
Mical shares all of his systems and lessons learned since December of 2018 in this module:
[Module 4] Closing Outbound Sales 🤑
Get the all important “Yes, let’s go! Here’s my credit card info.”
OK, so someone on your team has got a business decision maker’s attention…
Now what?
Well, actually, the hardest part (getting them to listen to you) is done…
But, now you’ve got to have your sales team be able to consistently turn this attention into closed deals…
…worth $10k-$75k/year
That’s what this module is all about…
The closing process for outbound sales is different than inbound sales…
And Mical has figured out how to close deals found through outbound sales at a profitable rate…
He leaves no secret, no concept out of this module.
When you are able to consistently close big SEO clients that didn’t ask to be sold to, well, the sky is the limit to your agency…
…because once you have this sales system down and have a system for getting other people to make these sales for you, all you need to do to double the amount of clients your agency is closing every month is double your team!
I’m over simplifying because, yes, hiring people doesn’t always work & your sales systems will become more tuned over time…
…but the principle holds true that if your company calls on X people and you get Y sales, then if you call on 2X people, you get about 2Y sales!
Exciting stuff!
[Module 5] Attracting SEO Clients by Ranking Your Agency Website🧲
This module is how I have earned about $1.85 million with Client SEO
Having a website that ranks that attracts your target market is absolutely crucial to…
…attracting high paying presold SEO clients.
Even if you only use it to point at as a successful case study…
Having this website ranking is still SUPER VALUABLE.
It will make it so much easier to sell.
Not only that, but it likely will attract people in your target market that are already convinced that SEO can help their business!
It is a LOT of work to convince someone who doesn’t already believe it that SEO can dramatically help their business.
Furthermore, the vast majority of people selling SEO have NOTHING to show a client they can actually rank a website…
…and showing a client that you’re practicing what you preach and crushing your competition is huge
This stuff is not based upon theory, but my real world SEO client getting testing!
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